Friday 11 March 2011

Weight Loss Tips for Teens

A teenager unsubscribed from my weekly Tummy Tips the other day and her reason was that I did not have enough weight loss tips for teens.
I love feedback whether it's negative or positive because it helps me make this site even better by providing the information that people want. That comment reminded me that a lot of young people read this site too.
One of the reasons I had not focused much on kids and teens when it comes to weight loss is because often times your bodies are still developing. There is a such thing as baby fat and in many cases, you will grow out of it.
Even if your stomach appears flabbier than the rest of your body, it is quite possible that will go away in a few years as well. You may not need to do any kind of stomach exercises. Your body could still be maturing and taking its shape.
If you are a teen or young person that is experiencing problems with your stomach or weight, I encourage you to talk to a parent and/or physician before you do any kind of dieting.
This world is filled with bad messages about body image. There's this pressure from society to be thin (often times, too thin), and many young people seek weight loss help when they don't even need it.
Once a teenage girl emailed me and she was 5'4 and 120 pounds and wanted to lose weight. Now, I didn't see a picture of her so I have no idea what her body frame is like, but that sounds like a perfectly normal weight to me. In this case, this girl didn't need a weight loss plan, she probably needed a counselor.
I don't say that to be funny, but it's true. The messages are youth are getting about being thin are ridiculous. And if you are a teen with unhealthy thoughts about your body image, put down the Cosmo magazine or whatever's feeding you those distorted body image thoughts, and start loving yourself for who you are!
Okay, I'm getting off my soap box now. :-)
Now, with that said, I do realize there are some teens that really do have legit weight problems and you do need help. If that's you, then I will provide some tummy flattening and weight loss advice for you here.
Again, I cannot stress how important it is for you to talk to a parent or doctor first. The reason I say this is because every person's body is different. Your reason for weight gain may be different than someone else's.
Maybe you have a gland problem. Perhaps it's hereditary. Only a doctor can give you specific advice about your individual weight issue.

Walk The Mall

Once a teen emailed me because she wanted to help her friend lose weight. I told her to develop some kind of weight loss buddy system where they could work out together. One of my suggestions was to go to the mall and walk.
Walking is one of the most effective forms of exercise for weight loss, plus you can check out the latest styles in all your favorite stores. :-)
Buy pedometers and attach it to your waists so you can keep track of how far you've walked. Start out doing 1 mile and then as you get comfortable with that, increase it to 2 miles and so forth.

Watch The Fast Food

This may be a challenge for a lot of teens because if you are anything like I was, restaurants fast food places are probably like a second home. Poor diet (especially from fast foods) is the leading cause of weight problems for kids and teens.
Unfortunately many of you were raised on this kind of food so it's hard to cut it loose when the pounds start to come on. I don't know if you saw the movie "Super Size Me" but evidence was found that these foods are somewhat addictive. The more you eat, the more you want.
What's even sad is that many fast food chains actually target to kids because they know how important it is to get you hooked at a young age.
I cannot stress how important it is for you to learn to eat healthy when you're young. If you can master this now, it will be much easier to manage your weight as an adult.
Many overweight adults started out as children who did not know how to eat properly. This doesn't mean you cannot change your habits as an adult, but life will be much easier if you learn to eat right when you're young.
If you do go to a fast food restaurant, try choosing the healthier choices (chicken salad with low fat dressing, grilled chicken sandwiches).
To be quite honest, even the chicken sandwiches aren't the healthiest of them all, but they are better for you then the triple cheese or doubledecker burger varieties.

School Activities

Most kids and teens don't have the money or means to join a gym, but thanks to school, there are plenty opportunities for exercise.
You could take on a sport in school, and if you don't make the team, you can always participate in intramurals. When I was in high school there were several different intramural sports you could join after school. The choices ranged from volleyball, soccer, softball, to tennis, raquetball and more.

Exercise at Home

There are tons of things you can do at home to get exercise. Get an aerobics DVD and exercise in your living room. Heck, you can get the whole family involved and make it a group event.
It doesn't matter what you do, the point is to get moving and get that heart rate up. That's what helps you burn fat. I know a guy that used to run laps in his garage if he was unable to get to the gym.
Walking around the neighborhood is another easy way to get some good exercise. If you have a pet, take them with you. And if your pet is energetic, you may even get some running in. :-)
You should exercise at least 3 times per week if you can.

Limit The Sweets

I used to believe that candy wasn't that bad for you because a lot of it (especially hard candy) was low in fat. In fact, some of it has no fat.
Candy is still fattening because of the sugar content. When sugar is not burned off, it turns into fat. So don't be mislead when you read a label and you see low amounts of fats. The calorie and sugar count matter too.
If you are craving something sweet, munch on some sugar free candy or fruit instead.

10 Tummy Flattening Tips

Here's a quick quide you can follow to help flatten your stomach. Print this list out and post it somewhere in your house where you'll see it.
1. Walk/jog for 30 minutes at least 3 times per week to boost your metabolism in order to burn that fat.
2. Eat a small handful of almonds (at least 6) every morning. Almonds are one of the healthiest snacks you can eat and the protein is good for burning fat.
3. Purchase a Pilates DVD and do the exercises at least 2-3 times per week. Pilates works on toning your entire body with concentration on your powerhouse (middle section) and will improve your flexibility.
4. Add fiber to your diet and cut down your intake of the bad carbs. Foods such as white bread, pastas, potatoes, and white rice should be limited. Eat brown rice and whole wheat bread instead. To get that needed fiber increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables (especially the leafy green ones).
5. Drink skim milk instead of whole milk. Keep your dairy intake at a minimum because these products often cause bloating and gas.
6. Perform proper crunches at least 3 times a week to train your abs. Avoid sit-ups because they really do very little to firm your stomach. Sit-ups work your hip flexors more than anything else.
7. Drink plenty of water. You should be drinking 6 to 8 glasses per day. Not only will it help fill you up so you eat less, but it aids in digestion.
8. Stop eating within 3 hours of bedtime. If you have to munch on something, eat a small portion of vegetables or fruit. Not eating late can make a huge difference.
9. Eat smaller meals more often instead of 2-3 big meals per day to keep from having that bloated look and feeling. Eating more meals actually kicks up your metabolism.
10. Take a break from healthy eating once in a while and treat yourself to your favorite dessert. If you completely deprive yourself of the foods you love you'll run the risk of going back to your bad eating habits. Moderation is the key.
Just remember that slow and steady wins the race when it comes to slimming your waistline and flattening your stomach. There's no such thing as losing your stomach fast. You have to work at it daily and remain consistent with your diet and exercise.
If you remember nothing else, remember this: A flat stomach comes with TOTAL BODY FITNESS - not just from spot toning your stomach with crunches.
Speaking of total body fitness, here's another one of my favorite sites. Online Body Management is an online fitness site that designs custom workout plans to fit your weight loss goals.
Whether you want to tone up, gain muscle or lose weight, OnlineBodyManagement will develop the plan that's perfect for your needs. This is a superb site for getting your body in tip top shape!

Flat Stomach Exercising Myths

There are some common myths associated with getting a flat stomach...particularly when it comes to exercising so I thought I'd discuss of few of them here.

1. The 'Chew Then Crunch' Myth

Ab crunches are good exercises for toning the abs and stomach when combined with a low fat diet. Nevertheless, many people think they can continue to eat what they want and end their day with a couple hundred crunches to "work off" all the fatty foods they ate throughout the day.
If you're not lowering your fat intake, it doesn't matter how many exercises and crunches you perform. Not only will you see zero results, but your stomach may actually increase in size.
Why you ask? Because you're building fat on top of your muscles.
I had this problem when I first started exercising. I didn't lower my caloric or fat intake much but I started doing crunches. For three months straight I did exercised my abs every morning before work. I couldn't understand why I wasn't seeing results. In fact, my stomach started protruding even more.
Well after doing lots of reading I discovered that I was going to also change my diet if I was going to see the results I wanted.

2. The Spot Toning Myth

This is the one that frustrates me the most. I have always been very thin and recently started gaining weight in my hips and thigh area. I welcomed the added pounds because it gave me a curvier figure. Unfortunately it also left we with a slightly flabby stomach.
I wanted to keep the hips and thighs but lose the stomach so I started exercising my stomach and abs by doing Pilates and crunches.
Well, I didn't see any results. I discovered through reading that you can't just spot tone because if you only focus on one area (ie. your tummy), you won't raise your metabolism enough to burn that extra belly fat.
So the key to flattening your stomach area is to increase your body's metabolism so it can effectively get rid of those layers of excess tummy fat, and fat all over your body.
An overall body weight-loss plan is the key to slimming your waistline. View the ideal weight chart and BMI calculator here.

3. The Large Number Myth

Twenty-five good, quality crunches are much better than 250 half-done crunches. Many people just want to get it over with so they lie down and do as many fast crunches as they can while lacking in quality.
The best thing to do is perform 4 sets of 20-25 solid crunches while resting 90 seconds in between each set. That is a much more effective way of training your abs than 250 lackluster crunches in a row.

4. The 6 Pack Myth

We'd all love to have that solid six pack to show off when we're at the pool right? Well, what most people don't realize is that solid abs don't start in the gym, they start in the kitchen. If your body contains a lot of fat, your abs won't show no matter how much you exercise.
Your first goal should be to lose that fat, and it starts with your diet. Decrease the amount of fat and calories you consume and increase the amount of protein. Protein is an absolute necessity for ridding fat and building muscle.
You can crunch all you want, but if you're still consuming burgers and fries, you'll end up with a six pack covered in fat.

5. The "Flatten Your Stomach Fast" Myth

There's a lot of hype out here about flattening your stomach quickly. Stay away from companies or ads that promote so-called solutions that help you flatten your stomach fast. They are nothing but scams.


So there you have some of the most common myths about flattening your stomach and forming your abs. Hopefully you've learned that it's not just about doing a few crunches per day. It's about total body fitness and changing your diet.

The Best Ab Exercise Equipment

Don't spend your money on ab machines until you read this entire page.
Surprised ya, huh? You may have expected to see a listing of various ab exercise equipment from the Belly Burner 100 to the Gut Buster 5000.
There's a reason I didn't list many of those -- and that is mainly because most people don't realize that the key to flattening your stomach and toning your abs is getting rid of the overall body fat first.
Don't get me wrong, you can still purchase some ab machines, just understand that cardiovascular exercises are just as important as doing abdominal-related exercises.
Your ab muscles won't show until you get your body fat down to around 10%. So the best way to accomplish this is a good cardio workout accompanied by a healthy diet.
For tips on healthy eating see the following pages:
Now that you understand a bit about eating healthy it's time to start incorporating a good cardio workout into your lifestyle.
NOTE: Before you begin working out on any machine or exercise program, it's recommended that you consult your physician - especially if you have a health problem.


If you read "The Best Stomach Exercise" page you already know that the ideal exercise for toning your stomach and abs is walking/jogging because it helps elevate your metabolism to burn fat all over.
This is especially true for those of you who have not gotten your body fat down yet. Remember, you can't flatten your stomach without losing weight everywhere else.
The good news is walking doesn't just help you lose weight, but it also assists in fighting diseases.
Studies have already proven that people who walk regularly have fewer cases of cancer, strokes, and heart disease. They live longer and receive mental health benefits.
Walking and jogging, like any cardio exercises, elevate your heart rate and give your metabolism a boost in order to burn calories more effeciently and faster.
So if you can't make it to the gym or live in a place that is not conducive to walking outdoors, then a treadmill is the ideal exercise equipment.
I would recommend you purchase a treadmill from a fitness store instead of a department store. Mainly because fitness store clerks are usually more knowledgeable about the various products and will probably be more helpful if you have questions.
Treadmills come in so many different styles and varieties that the selection process may be a bit tedious. That's another good reason to purchase from a store with knowledgeable salespeople.
You also may be tempted to go with the cheapest one they have out there. That is not always the best choice either. Cheaper ones may have belts that aren't quite as durable and the treadmill may not last as long. I would recommend going with one that has a mid-range price.
Then to save a little money, go to a fitness store and find one you like, jot down the brand, model and the features you want. Next go to an online store and see if you can get that same kind for a cheaper price.

Elliptical Machines

Elliptical Machine
These machines are awesome. I don't think people realize the benefits of them.
First of all elliptical machines work many, many muscle groups. Also, because your feet never leave the pedals, the stress on the joints is minimal and there is little risk of overusing a certain muscle group.
Elliptical machines allow you to burn a similar number of calories as jogging, but without the risk of injury to the knees and ankles.
When using these machines, the heart rate is elevated a lot quicker than on other apparatuses - allowing for an effective cardiovascular workout. Of course this helps reduce the risk of a heart attack, stroke and other diseases that stem from a weak heart.
Another plus is that since it works so many different muscle groups, you can receive a thorough workout in as little as 20 minutes.
So if you are one that is always complaining about not enough time to exercise, surely you can squeeze in 20 minutes to workout on the elliptical machine, right? :)
Just like the treadmill, I would recommend consulting a fitness professional to help you decide which machine is best for you.
I would also go mid-range on the price when it comes to buying these as well -- for the same reasons mentioned previously.

Ab Machines

I saved this section for last because I wanted you to really understand how important it is to get your heart pumping and your metabolism moving before you start seeing a flatter stomach.
If you are overweight and trying to tone your abs by using some ab machine without changing your diet and performing cardio exercises, you are going about it the wrong way.
In fact, you may even notice your stomach increasing in size because you're building muscle on top of your existing fat.
I am not against ab machines, I think they can be very beneficial if used with a complete workout and a healthy diet.
I personally do not use any of them so I can't speak of my personal experiences. I do Pilates, ab exercise DVD's and the treadmill.
However, there are some great sites out there with information on how to choose the best ab equipment for your needs.

A Great Exercise Machine Resource...

If you need help with deciding on what kind of ab exercise equipment is best for you, offers superb guidance.
It was developed by someone who personally understands the trials and tribulations of choosing the proper exercise equipment, and I think you'll find it very useful.

How to Exercise and Tone Your Lower Stomach

Many people complain about their flabby stomach when the stomach may not really the problem. They may actually be storing more fat in their lower abdominal region than the tummy.
Remember, your stomach starts right below your breastbone and down to your navel area. Your lower abdominals start near the navel area and go down to the pelvic region.
Examine your body in the mirror. Look at where the fat is stored. You may notice that your actual stomach is pretty flat, but the area around your belly button still protrudes and is the real problem.
If this is case, your problem is your lower abdominal region more so than your stomach.
Fat is stored here for a number of reasons. For some, it's genetic and that just happens to be where the body stores its fat. Unfortunately we can't tell our fat where to go so there is nothing you can do about this.
For others it may be indigestion. If your food is not digesting properly, it can cause a bulge in your lower abdominal area. IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is another common cause for this problem).
Be sure to seek help from your physician if you think your problem may be related to something other than a bad diet and lack of exercise.

Change Your Diet First

Before you begin exercising your lower stomach, remember that your diet has to change in order to see any results.
I feel like a broken record but I must repeat this in case you haven't read other pages on this site...
You cannot spot tone your stomach. You have to lower your entire body's total fat percentage in order slim down your tummy.
If you remember nothing else from this website, please remember that statement.
In addition to your stomach exercises you must evaluate and be prepared to make changes in your diet.
See the Fat Burning Tips and Eating Habits pages for more details on this.
Now, let's get down to exercising the lower stomach area.
Double Straight Legged Stretch I went over this exercise on the Pilates page. It is very, very good for toning up the lower abdominal area. In fact, after about 5 repetitions you can reallyfeel that area working.
To perform this exercise:
1. Lie on your back with your legs straight.
2. Slowly raise your head and neck off the mat as if you're starting a basic crunch. Place your hands behind your head.
3. Bend both legs in and raise them off the floor then straighten and point them in the air at 11 o'clock. Keep your head and neck off the floor.
4. Slowly move both legs down (keeping them together and as straight as you can) until they are about a foot from the floor.
5. Now raise them back up and begin again.
6. Repeat this 10 times.
You should really feel your lower abdominal muscles working after only a few repetitions. As you get comfortable with them, push yourself to do more and more.

Chair Leg Lifts

You can perform this exercise in almost any kind of office or desk chair.
Sit upright with your back flat against the back of your chair.
Place your hands on the desk in front of you or on the seat of the chair by your legs.
Slowly lift your knees up toward your chest and hold for 5 seconds.
Then slowly lower them back down, resting your feet on the floor.
Breath out when you lift your legs up and inhale when you lower them to the floor.
In the beginning, you may find that you're only able to do a few of these. That's okay. As your abdominals get stronger, you'll be able to do more. Hang in there.

Pelvic Thrusts

Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and arms straight beside you.
Slowly lift and tilt your pelvis upward as you exhale. As you tilt your pelvis, be sure you keep your lower back on the floor so you get the most out of the movement.
Hold the movement for about 5 seconds and inhale as your relax your buttocks back down on the floor.
Do about 10 to 15 reps and take a 90 second break between sets. Perform a total of 4 sets.

The Top 5 Best Exercises For Total Body Fitness

What if I told you that you could get in the best shape of your life even if you didn’t have time to exercise, even if you were busy, and even if you didn’t know where to start?
There are many exercises that can give you results, but if you want fast results, it’s best to focus on the very best exercises for total body fitness. Although these exercises are well-known, you might not have realized their importance in developing an enviable physique, whether it means increased endurance and heart function, tight and sexy thighs, butt and legs, or muscular arms. Or you may not know how to incorporate them into your routine – until today.

  1. Squats: The squat is one of the most basic all-around fitness exercises that you can do, and it is one of the best. It works several body parts at once, including your core, quads, hamstrings and calves. No matter what you do, you should incorporate squats into your routine. If you train for strength, squat using a barbell or holding dumbells in your hands. If you want to train for endurance or cardio, use body-weight squats.
  2. Pushups: This exercise is no secret, but not enough people take advantage of it. Many women and even men still have weak, flabby arms and chests. The best way to develop them is by starting to incorporate daily pushups into your routine. They work the chest, shoulders, triceps, back and abs (core). The key with pushups is to incorporate different kinds of pushups into one routine. If you cannot do a standard “full” pushup, start with the “modified” version on your knees. Then work your way toward doing regular pushups. EVOLUTION OF THE PUSHUP:
    1. Wall pushup: Stand facing a wall. The farther your feet are from the wall, the harder it will be. Lean in toward the wall.
    2. Counter Pushup: Pushup leaning from the edge of a counter.
    3. Knee Pushup: the standard “modified” pushup on your knees
    4. Feet Elevated: you’ve now reached the regular pushup level, congratulations!
    Other pushups that rule:Wide Hands – Place hands on the floor at a greater distance apart (past the shoulders). This works even more back muscles.
    Close Hands – Place hands on the floor closer to each other (maybe a foot apart or less). Very difficult. Feet Elevated – Place your feet on a chair or other object and push up from the ground. More difficult. Handstand Pushup – This is my favorite pushup EVER and the ultimate exercise to build strong shoulders. If you’re a man, you need to be able to do this one.
    Go to a handstand, your feet against the wall, then lower your head to the floor and push up. If you can do a few of those, you’re good. To help you succeed in mastering this pushup, you can first use your toes to help you “crawl” the wall, or have a friend hold your feet and help you through it. At first, your goal should be to simply stay in a handstand with your feet facing the wall.
  3. Walking or Running Hills
  4. Walking or Running Hills: You want extreme health, a fit body and a healthy heart? Try walking or running up hills. This is one of the best exercises for overall fitness. So go find hills in your area, and dare to walk the hell out of them!
  5. Pullups
  6. Pullups & Chinups: Many women lack upper body strength. Unfortunately, this can lead to injuries and lack of ability, as many common movements such as lifting a box (or a child!) require strong upper body muscles.It’s wise for all women to strengthen these muscles by working on the two best exercises for them: pushups and pullups. Just because pullups and chinups are hard, it doesn’t mean women can’t do them! In fact, you should be able to lift your own body with your arms. In nature, this sort of movement is very basic and in fact a matter of survival.
    For men, the benefits of pullups and chinups cannot be emphasized enough: you will build a strong back and enviably muscular arms.
    For women, I would set a goal to do at least 1 complete pullup and 2 complete chinups, with a future “ultimate” goal to do at least 3 pullups and 5 chinups.
    To get started, use the assisted pullup machines at the gym, or follow the following routine:
    1. Hang for 30 seconds or as long as possible in the position of having pulled your body up all the way from a bar. You can use a chair to get in that position. When you feel you can’t hold yourself any longer, lower gently in a slow and controlled manner. Do this 5 times.
    2. Get on a chair and check out what kind of a bend you need in your arms before you can successfully pull yourself up. Then do it five times from there. Improve from there.
    3. Hang from a bar and see how far you can pull yourself up 5 times in a row.
    Do these three exercises 2-3 times a week and make sure to warm up properly beforehand (by doing some jumping jacks for a few minutes, for example).
    For men, a good benchmark for strength would be to be able to do a few series of 5 pullups with 10% of your weight attached to your body (as extra weight).
  7. The Plank Exercise
  8. The Plank: This is a powerful isolation move used in Pilates and Yoga and it works the abs, back, arms and legs as well as your internal abdominal muscles, which is your core strength!To do it, lie face down on mat with your elbows resting on the floor next to your chest. Go to a pushup position while resting on your elbows or hands. Then squeeze the abs and keep your body in a straight line. Hold in this position for 30-60 seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the floor and rest for 15-30 seconds. Repeat as many times as you can. Start by doing the plank on your knees and gradually work your way up.
    So there you have it, 5 powerful exercises that every man and woman should include in their routine for functional fitness and increased strength.

Exercising Your Love Handles

Love handles. Ah yes….the affectionate term given to that flabby area on the sides of your abdomen that you can’t seem to get rid of.
The anatomic term for them is “obliques” and unfortunately this area of the body is often neglected when it comes to exercising the stomach and ab areas.
Again, I cannot stress enough that you have to start with long-duration aerobic exercise if you want to trim any part of your stomach.
Spot toning will prove ineffective because you need to raise your metabolism enough to burn that extra love handle fat. Remember, it’s all about total body fitness and losing weight all over.
If you’ve been reading this site, you’re probably tired of me mentioning that, but that is the #1 misconception about stomach toning. You have to get your entire body into shape before you start seeing results.
Start a cardio exercise program at your home. Either buy aerobics DVDs or subscribe to a cool site like

This has got to be one of the coolest fitness sites I’ve ever seen. You’ll gain access to hundreds of different exercise programs from one site, and you never have to leave your home. There are tons of different cardio exercise routines to help you burn fat and reduce those stubborn love handles.
While doing basic crunches will help eliminate some of the fat around the obliques, here are some other exercises that focus more on the love handle area.

Leg Flutters

love handle exercise
A lot of people don’t realize that in order to tone your middle and love handle area you also need to strengthen your back. This creates a balance in your torso and reduces the fat on your back.
1. Lie on your stomach and lift your head up slightly
2. You can keep your arms straight out at your sides or bend them with your elbows resting beside you.
3. Lift your feet and knees off the floor and flutter your legs rapidly back and forth. Do this for 20 seconds. Take a 20 second break and then repeat again.

Twist Crunches

love handle exercise
This exercise will work your internal and external obliques as well as the rectus abdominis. These are the two muscle groups that live around your waist. Fat is generally stored on top of these muscles, thus creating the love handle effect.
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent.
2. Carefully lift your head up and place your hands behind your head without locking your fingers together.
3. Twist to the right bringing your left elbow to your right knee. Extend your left leg out.
4. Now twist back to the left bringing your right elbow to your left knee. Extend your right leg out.
5. Repeat 25 times.

Standing Trunk Twists

love handle exercise
This is a good aerobic-type exercise that will help get your heart rate up as well as burn some calories in your middle.
1. Stand with your feet about a foot apart and knees relaxed.
2. Twist your torso to the left while keeping your hips and legs as stable as possible. As you twist to the left, cross your right arm in front of your body in a punching motion.
3. Twist back to the right and cross your left arm over your body in a punching motion.
4. Do 100 reps.